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Community Conversations: How Do You Alleviate Stress for Your Type 2 Diabetes?

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Guille Faingold/Stocksy United

Guille Faingold/Stocksy United

by Sydney Koeplin


Medically Reviewed by:

Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph.D., MSN


by Sydney Koeplin


Medically Reviewed by:

Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph.D., MSN


Managing stress is important when you have type 2 diabetes. Members of the Bezzy T2D community share how they relax and unwind.

If you live with type 2 diabetes, you know how intertwined stress is with your condition. Managing diabetes is a process that can add stress to your daily life, and that stress can elevate your blood sugar levels.

Managing your stress with type 2 is just as important to your health as your medications and treatment plan. But life is busy, and you may not have time to prioritize self-care as much as you should.

The Bezzy T2D community understands just how important managing stress is for blood sugar levels. Here are a few ways they relax and unwind.

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Download a meditation app

“My go-to is my Calm app subscription. I use it every time I’m stressed, and it helps a ton with my anxiety.” — Kristin MacCaull

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Put on some music

“I love to listen to soothing, quiet classical music.” — Karen S.

Try a little retail therapy

“I go thrift shopping and look for treasures.” — Abby Johnston

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Practice yoga

“I do yoga. It really helps me. I look up 20 or 30-minute sessions for beginners online.” — Yeatday

Do things that bring you joy

“Cross stitching, reading, and listening to music make me feel peaceful. Playing with my dog also makes me laugh and forget my troubles.” — Kelly6

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The takeaway

Taking care of yourself — physically, mentally, and emotionally — is crucial when you have type 2 diabetes. The best way to de-stress is unique to you. Whatever brings you a sense of calm and happiness is a great way to ground yourself.

If you want to learn more about self-care and stress management for diabetes, check out the Mental Health Forum at Bezzy T2D. You’re not on this journey alone.

Medically reviewed on July 13, 2022

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About the author

Sydney Koeplin

Sydney Koeplin holds a bachelor’s degree in English and German Studies from Colby College. Her work has been published in the Intrepid Times, Qu Literary Magazine, Hypertext Magazine, and elsewhere. You can visit her website to learn more. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, reading, and taking long walks around her neighborhood.

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