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From the Community: What I Wish Others Knew About Diabetes

Community Conversations

November 16, 2022

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Ana Luz Crespi/Stocksy Uniited

Ana Luz Crespi/Stocksy Uniited

by Sydney Koeplin


Medically Reviewed by:

Kelly Wood, MD


by Sydney Koeplin


Medically Reviewed by:

Kelly Wood, MD


In honor of Diabetes Awareness Month, community members share what they wish people without diabetes knew about the condition.

November is National Diabetes Month. Started by the American Diabetes Association in 1975, the campaign aims to educate people about their risk, provide resources, and promote advocacy in the community.

While awareness months can do a lot of good, often people living with chronic conditions are not the ones who need to be made aware.

This Diabetes Awareness Month, members of the Bezzy T2D community share what they wish people without diabetes knew about the condition.

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It’s not a character flaw

“Diabetes is not necessarily a death sentence. You can live and thrive with it if you treat it appropriately. It’s not the result of a character flaw.” — JylEBean

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No outside opinions needed

“I know how to treat my diabetes, and I don’t need anyone’s [unsolicited] opinion on how to do it better!” — Halloween guy

It’s a lifelong condition

“There are many forms of diabetes, and it’s a metabolic disease. Once you’re diagnosed, you can’t reverse it; you have to constantly manage it.” — Cal90, Bezzy T2D Ambassador

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There’s no magic potion or cure

“Don’t say: ‘Have you tried eating/drinking/taking this?’” — Mary Van Doorn

There are plenty of things that people without diabetes say that can be insensitive or misguided. If you want to debunk some common misinformed comments for your loved ones, send them 6 Things That Aren’t Helpful to Say to Someone with Type 2 Diabetes — and What to Say Instead.

The bottom line

National Diabetes Month can mean different things to different people. It can provide great resources to educate your loved ones on your condition, and a space to share your journey with type 2.

If you’re looking for ways to get involved this November, read 10 Ways You Can Get Involved This Diabetes Awareness Month by our guide, Mila.

As always, we’re here for you at Bezzy T2D.

Medically reviewed on November 16, 2022

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About the author

Sydney Koeplin

Sydney Koeplin holds a bachelor’s degree in English and German Studies from Colby College. Her work has been published in the Intrepid Times, Qu Literary Magazine, Hypertext Magazine, and elsewhere. You can visit her website to learn more. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, reading, and taking long walks around her neighborhood.

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