October 26, 2021
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Bezzy T2D community members understand that managing diabetes can feel overwhelming — they’re here to help.
Living with a chronic health condition can be stressful. Managing your health with type 2 diabetes often requires consistent work and paying close attention to your blood sugar levels.
You may need to make lifestyle changes that can seem daunting or scary when you don’t know what to expect. And when you’re first diagnosed, this prospect can feel even more overwhelming.
It might feel like you can’t possibly absorb all the information out there. Where do you even start?
Feeling stressed by the sheer amount of reading, researching, and follow-up doctors’ appointments you’re confronted with is completely understandable.
It’s important to trust that, with time, you will gain more confidence in your ability to manage your diabetes, and before you know it you’ll start to feel like an expert.
And remember, you’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 34 million people in the United States live with some form of diabetes — 90 to 95 percent have type 2 diabetes.
There are millions of people going through exactly what you’re going through, and millions who are living and thriving with type 2 diabetes today. Surrounding yourself with others who understand firsthand what it’s like managing type 2 diabetes can make a huge difference.
Six members of the Bezzy T2D community shared their tips for making diabetes management less stressful.
“I take steps to keep diabetes management simple. I keep a Thermo ice pack ready so when I travel I can keep the insulin cool. I make sure it is cold ahead of time so it is ready for my diabetic pack that holds my insulin and needles. I carry my glucose supplies in my purse and I bring a lunch bag to hold a salad, sandwich, and veggies.” — Lileen
“One thing that REALLY helps me make life with T2D a little more manageable is keeping a daily journal. I keep track of not only what I eat, but I also use it to map out my meals for the day.
I’ve found life is SO much better when I plan and prepare my foods ahead of time.” — Luella T.
“I remember to take a break when I am feeling stressed or frustrated. I’ve developed a method called PURE.
P – pause everything you’re doing.
U – use your stress management strategies.
R – regain your composure.
E – establish a new game plan.” — CJ Walker
“Sometimes all you have to do is shake things up and do something small to throw off the patterns you are stuck in. Sometimes adding a bit more food during the day can make all the difference in how you are feeling.
I’ve found small changes like drinking a little more water or doing a little more of a new type of exercise can help a lot.” — Korie C.
“Do your research to figure out what works for you. Remember, it’s not one-size-fits-all with type 2 diabetes. You must do your own homework, ask a lot of questions, and listen.” — Cathy N.
“I try really hard to keep the concept of ‘good’ far away from the things I do to address my diabetes.
Before I was diagnosed, I liked to think I was a ‘good’ father, a ‘good’ friend, and a ‘good’ person. I don’t think diabetes changed that.
As far as a good diabetic? I often fall back on the daily numbers we all track, and there are good days and bad days, from a number’s perspective. I look at those numbers as pieces of a puzzle. They don’t tell the whole story by themselves. One piece may get me a little down, but other pieces will lift me up.“ — Bill Santos, @nextwavet2d
Managing your health when you live with type 2 diabetes can feel overwhelming at times, especially when you have only recently been diagnosed. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Members of the Bezzy T2D community have been in your shoes.
Whether you’re looking for emotional support, relatable personal stories, or tips and tricks to help make navigating your diagnosis easier — the community is here for you.
Article originally appeared on October 26, 2021 on Bezzy’s sister site, Healthline. Last fact checked on October 27, 2021.
Fact checked on October 26, 2021
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